Reclaim Your Purpose
At some point in time, the universe/God pulls our coattails and says, “WOULD YOU LOOK UP ALREADY AND SEE WHERE YOU ARE?” Many of us have...
Seeing reality for what it is, is impossible. Our understanding of reality is reliant on our perception. We should then be mindful that...
Exploring Market Behavior and the Relationship Between For-Profits and Non-Profits
Two entities: 1) a company and 2) a charity (non-profit). The company produces a product valued at $18. The charity solicits donors to...
Navigating Success
Sometimes as we pursue our dreams, our vision, someone will come along and say, “watch out for this” or ”be careful of that” or “this is...
Thou Shall Not Fear
Something to think about on this fine Saturday evening. Consider your thoughts and how they are affecting your outlook. Are your...
“You are” Versus I AM
This thought just came to me. It’s funny how people think “you are..” is greater than I AM. You are is an external perspective. An...