“You are” Versus I AM
This thought just came to me. It’s funny how people think “you are..” is greater than I AM. You are is an external perspective. An imposed perspective. An interpretation that requires you to look at your own life, your own understanding of you, and define things outside of yourself according to that understanding. I had to read this book recently, “The Conquest of America.” Perhaps this book is partially why I am writing on this topic of othering versus self...that and the observance of conversations declaring that because, “you did thus and so, you must be, therefore you are!” Columbus made this mistake with the Tainos. “You walk in a primitive state, therefore you must be primitive, weak, inferior, and easy to conquer.” Ha! On his return voyage, he found his men killed. Tainos: “Inferior you said?Primitive. Weak. How’s this for weak?! I AM that I AM! I AM is far greater than your ability to perceive.” I AM is biblical. I AM is God. You can observe the state of ones being, but you cannot assert your observations as greater than how that individual perceives the state of their being. Rene Descartes said, “I think therefore I AM” not YOU ARE. You are is secondary.